Service Policies

You have invested in a quality machine that should last for years of use to cut your lawn, trim your shrubs or plow the lower 40! We at Power Place feel privileged that you have chosen us to keep your machine running and ready to go when you need it.

When you call to schedule your service appointment our job begins. We will schedule one of our drivers to pick up your equipment. Our Service Writers will ask you a few questions about your machine. This will give our technicians insight into the difficulties that you may be experiencing or just the services that you would like to have us perform on the unit. Once the machine comes into our facility we determine the level of service required and assign the right technician best trained to perform these services.

The service maintenance and repair work that comes through our doors is as various as the machines themselves. Our challenge is the efficient and equitable repair of your equipment, getting it back in your shop, your barn or garage when you need it next. In an effort to expedite the job we ask for pre-approval to replace common wear parts like belts, blades and batteries.

Our technicians will take the time necessary to check over your machine and pinpoint potential problems before they happen. We will bring these issues to your attention for your consideration

Minimum Estimate or Diagnostic Fee:

There is a minimum diagnostic fee of $50 for equipment in addition to transportation fees for Lawn & Garden & Handheld Equipment.

Many of the Work Orders that we see involve equipment that may not work properly. We hope you understand that we must charge a $50 inspection fee for each piece of equipment that we evaluate. This fee covers the administrative costs and the technician's salary. The inspection is as labor intensive as any other repair in the shop, requiring the same level of expertise as the repair itself. The fee is credited toward the repair cost if the quotation is approved. The diagnosis process often includes the disassembly of machine components such as the engine or transmission to determine the extent of the damage or wear. Should disassembly be required there may be additional labor charges to reassemble the machine or component if the repair estimate is declined.

The inspection fee ($50) is intended to offer a basic evaluation of the unit in which we allot 30 minutes labor time. If you require an itemized quotation and or the reassembly of a disassembled product additional labor time would apply at our posted shop labor rate of $109.99 per hour. In addition, if equipment is picked up by one of our delivery vehicles there will also be due applicable pickup and delivery charges. Disposal fees may also apply.

It is important to us that you clearly understand these charges and are happy to discuss them with you at any time.